I need help!
LOLI wanna buy a new bag, but I don't know which to
Please help
Which should I choose?
A? B? or None?
Or any comments?
Tag on my
tag board, preferably with your name!
Thankss!!! (:
and thanks Amanda for suggesting this.
Was here at 23:26
Had thanksgiving at my house today.
My mum's careteam, and my careteam came over!
Chit Chat..
Then had a sharing of 2 things you would like to give thanks to God for.
Played around after the sharing,
then they want back.
Goona see doc tmr, cos I injured my feet when I was at the waterfalls at Wangsa Maju.
There's like a hole in my toe now. LOL.
And, goona find job with Jaryl! so we'll see how is it. :D
The percentage of people clicking my adverts are increasing!
Thanks a lot guys (:
and continue to help me click them! haha.
Was here at 23:42
I'm back in Singapore!!
Just came back from my Mission trip at
Wangsa Maju, Malaysia.
This Mission Trip was a BLAST!
Had lots of fun, bonding with the youths & made new friends,
and definitely grew stronger in faith.
This trip was a very memorable and fulfilling experience for me.
Was busy through out this trip, as we had programmes packed for us.
First 4 days at
Wangsa Maju,
and spent last 3 days at Fraser's hill
Wangsa Maju Church of Christ was having their church camp.
Okay, I think that's all for now.
It's getting late, and I think I ought have a good night's rest.
I'll update when I get the pics!
nights peeps,
and HoHoHo, Merry Christmas (:
Was here at 01:43
Went home to take some things,
then went to
Hougang Mall to buy some stuff with
Going to Kenneth's house soon for
stay over,
then bus-
ing to
Wangsa Maju, Malaysia,
tomorrow morning
for my 1week Mission Trip!! hehehe.
I'll be back only on 24thdec, which is also Christmas Eve,
so don't miss me! wakaka..
Keep my blog alive though,
and remember to click my adverts!! LOL.
Was here at 15:40
I forgot I had piano lesson today,
and my teacher called me. LOL.
Postponed my piano lesson for a few hours,
so end up, I still had to go.
Actually I didn't wanna go out today,
but since I'm out,
so I went to find Shawn, Daniel, LiShyan, and Samantha at Paradiz.
Pool-ed, lan-ed...
then went back to Plaza Singapura.
Amanda joined us after work,
since she worked at PCbunk.
I love tigger, tigger loves me!
They ate at KFC, and now I'm back home,
cos I wanna save $$$$$ on dinner. hehehe.
Credits to
Jaryl for this new skin!
It has snow, and a snowman,
specially for Christmas!
Thanks a lot boss!!!!
How is it? haha.
Btw, if u want the code for the snow or snowman,
talk to me on msn and I'll gladly give it to you! :D
Was here at 21:49
Went KTV!
Group pic!!
Jeremiah, Daren, Amanda, Samantha, Daniel, Samson, LiShyan, Monika, Marcus, Marcus's friend
Took a long bus ride to Katong Shopping Mall.
It's quite ulu .. lol.
Monika, LiShyan, and I each bought a pie,
cos we were hungry, and the shop's quite popular.
LiShyan bought the banana pie,
Monika bought the apple pie,
and I bought the peach pie.
LiShyan and his Banana pie.
and guess what?
Samson and I wore similar colours! so cool! haha.
The room's quite small actually..
oh well, it's cheap :D
Everyone was shy,
and ended up looking drunk. LOL.
Lishyan and Monika, together with Jeremiah,
before Lishyan and Monika went crazy.
Lishyan was so high and crazy.
His voice is REALLYY HIGH also.
Maybe that's why Samson couldn't stand it...
and decided to silence him.... LOL.
Monika was high also!
This picture is enough to show how high they were.. LOL.
Marcus and his friend
Daren looks funny. hehehe...
Everyone with Shimin's twist.
In loving memory of HSHIMIN.. LOL JKJK!!
Even Jeremiah's doing it. hahahaha..
Took bus back to Buangkok,
bought dinner, then walked to Lydia's friend's house.
Shall end my post here :D wakkaka.
Was here at 11:59
Met LiShyan, Daniel, Bihsin and Sinyee at HougangMall.
Ate at Macs, Daniel went off,
and we wandered about...
and we ended up at this playground behind the interchange.
Chatted, and played around, then...
it started to rain :(((((
Met Clare and ChiaHwee later on,
and we went to City Hall.
Amanda was at Suntec eating, and was supposed to meet us.
And she didn't believe we've reached CityHall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She thought we were at Hougang or what.
Clare bought her 'Fried' Icecream,
and we waited for Amanda.
Amanda bought the 'Fried' icecream also.
Went Taka to look for Jar,
and I wanted to listen to the Taka song. LOL.
Waited for Jar to finish work,
then went ToriQ,
Huiyi was working then.
Huiyi. LOL.
Met Xuewei there,
as she just finished work.
NOOB si ren le! lol.
We were all feeling hungry,
so went to find foooooooooooodddddddddd.
Ended up at the Arcade at LuckyPlaza.
Amanda said this machine's ADDICTIVE ...
And yes, it's quite addictive. LOL.
Continued to play,
and we ended up with this amount of tickets.
Exchanged the tickets and we got ...
7 Lollipops! hehehe.
Went to eat at the food centre downstairs.
They said I'm an ahpek when I ordered QingTang.
Is it really like ahpek meh? I like it leh... LOL.
Stood around outside for a while.
Clare looks like she's acting cute.
Walked around ...
Guess who I saw?!
I seriously had no idea snails lived in Orchard... LOL.
Stoned outside Paragon.
Amanda says twist!
That's her own hand. Looks scary.. lol.
Met up with Shawn, Huiyi and Xuewei.
Huiyi's face is FUNNY!! hehe.
Sat around for a while.
Then home-sweet-home-ed. LOL.
Was here at 11:59