I'm so bored now. I sooo don't feel like studying but I still have my Chem and Phy paper. And I don't wanna fail all my subs =(
I'm so bored now. I sooo don't feel like studying but I still have my Chem and Phy paper. And I don't wanna fail all my subs =(
Tomorrow's my NS check up!
And I'm really afraid of the blood test thing. And it's gonna be sucha waste of precious study time! Imma fail my SAs man. The school's kinda threatening us JC2 choir members that if we don't do well for our coming exams, they won't let other batches of choir go overseas trips anymore! We'll be labeled as the batch who "won 1st in youth cat, 3rd in sacred cat in the International Krakow Choir Festival" as well as the batch who "caused all other batches to be unable to go for future choir trips"
TPJChoir won 1st in mixed youth and 3rd in sacred category in the International Krakow Choir Festival!!
Yay us!
I'll post pictures of the overseas trip soon!!!!!!
Choir concert was awesome! Like super duper awesome! =D
I'll probably post some pictures when I've them. Thank you everyone for making it such a special and memorable experience! d[^_^]b
Poland trip is just 3 days away! hoho all the best to us!
Let's win something back hehe.